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Topic: Re: Longevity/Death lines in bedroom. Help! (Via Email)
Conf: Discuss :: Free Advice (General Feng Shui), Msg: 1084
From: Anon (Hidden from Privacy)
Date: 5/31/1999 09:48 AM

Dear Kelly,

Under the Eight House Theory, the only way that you can minimize is (where
possible) try to sleep closer to the longevity intangible force sector. If
this is not possible, at least sleep with your head facing one of the 4 good
directions. Other than this there are no known " cure "
under the Eight House. To understand the `angle' of influence better, you
can check out this page: http://www.3dglobe.com/fs/house2.htm

For the mirror closet, again, if possible not to sleep facing it. But if you
really do not have a choice there are a few things you can do:-

1. If continously, you can sleep soundly, then no problem you can `leave it'
as it is. Some of us are more Yang or Yin and have varing degrees of
`tolerance' to the mirror. However, some FS practioners or even authors
raise the concern that when we sleep our souls leave our body and get a
`shock' when it sees itself in the mirror. This has not been proven yet and
at the moment, more a `superstitious' belief.

The current more realistic view is that mirrors reflect Qi and a normal
mirror is considered YIN and depending on the location can either reflect
sha qi (poision qi) or shen qi (good qi).

2. Alternatively, if it is a permanent thing i.e. you are going to stay in
this house / bedroom for quite sometime, you can get someone to use an
opaque film or if you know how to Do it Yourself (D.I.Y) go and buy such
opaque film e.g. those used for shower glass screens and do it yourself.
3. Alternatively, you may paste some posters around the doors immediately
facing the bed.

As for electrical equipment, there are varing views on this:-

1. Some Feng Shui Practioners/ Masters / Authors consider it as belonging
to the water element i.e. electricity behaves like `water'.

2. Electrical equipment depending on the equipment and the `quality' of
the product can produce high levels or low levels of radiation e.g.
most newer Personal Computer (PC) montiors are low radiation while
older ones have higher radiation.

In general, it is a well known fact that when we place a compass close
to a electrical wire, the North arrow is attracted to the magnetic
field generated through the wire (current). However, there is no
direct research done in this area e.g. the strength of the magnetic field

Older model handphones were found in some studies show that it was
unsafe for human beings as the antennae emitted high levels of

Studies have shown that underground water can be dangerous as it emits
some form of `radiation'. To find out, check out this short article I
wrote: http://www.3dglobe.com/fs/under.htm

3. A few Feng Shui practioners " shrug off " the idea that electricity was
not invented in the past and since there are no known documentation on this
area, it is not correct for `us' to invent some new `theories'. I feel this
view is quite narrow minded. As new technology evolve, there may or may not
be some truth in Para 1 or 2. only time will tell. Whether it is in our life
time or sometime in the future.

Therefore, currently, there is a Question mark as to how we chose to
interpret " electrical appliances ". However, some electrical appliances
e.g. are `clear cut'. For example, many current washing machines can rotate
vigurously and if for example it is placed at an auspicious location,
symbolically, it is considered by some FS practioners as inauspicious as
this action `shakes' away the luck in that location.

However, there are newer brands of washing machines e.g. those that use
`bubble' technology that do not make so much noise or run `quiet'.

Anyway, such controversies continue on and on.... Do take note that at the
end, all these are of Secondary importance to Feng Shui.

What is more important is finding the right home e.g. bear in mind the
Shapes and Form School e.g. the exterior of the home, suitability of the
owner to the home and other additional analysis e.g. Flying Star and Pillars
of Destiny strength of element would be good.

Warmest Regards,

-----Original Message-----
From: Listmanager
To: Recipients of 'free-advice' suppressed suppressed>
Date: Saturday, May 29, 1999 11:48 AM
Subject: Longevity/Death lines in bedroom. Help!

>From: "W. Kelly"
>This message is sent from "free-advice" Mailing List.
> I am moving into a new apartment next week. After some research, I have
discovered that the longevity and the death lines run through my bedroom.
In addition, I also have mirrored closet doors. I was wondering if there
was any suggestions as to how I can suppress the negative aspects, while
accentuating the positive ones? Does putting electrical equipment drain the
negative energy or is this not the truth. Thank you for your help! W.
Kelly e-mail: Anomini@AOL.com
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