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Topic: Mirrors with stove
Conf: Discuss :: Free Advice (General Feng Shui), Msg: 1123
From: Anon (Hidden from Privacy)
Date: 6/5/1999 10:00 AM

Dear Joe,

In tradtional Feng Shui, here are the points related to the stove:-

1. The Kitchen is an important component of ahouse as this is where food is being prepared. It will help to ensure good health for the family.

2. The emphasis here is on the position of the stove. In anicient China, building a stove was a very grand affair where an auspcious date and time. This includes the position of the stove.

3. In traditional Feng Shui, preferably, the position of the stove should compliment the spouse (wife). Ideally, it should be placed at one of her inauspicious location but facing the auspicious direction.

4. One " hidden area " to check is to see that water pipes do not " criss-cross " or run across the stove or close to it. This would signify the the spouse (wife) or family members may suffer from health problems.

(The cure is to use red e.g. a red tile or earth element. Fire or red strengthens the Fire element while Earth element destroys Water element).

5. The rubbish bin (open or concealed) should preferably be not next to the stove but further away.

6. The stove should also not face e.g. a toilet door or be on the same wall as the toilet.

7. The stove should not be below a beam or water pipe as this may result in the two husband and wife having mental problems.

Although the logic between what you have mentioned " having enough food and heat " are `similiar' between the two, Traditional Feng Shui uses both the Shape and Form School, Compass School (auspicious and inauspicious location) plus two other theories or concept: The Yin and Yang (hot and cold) and the Five Elements Concept).

While the BTB uses very generalised theory i.e. as the stove is important, we should enhance it. The BTB is more a interior design method. Where else, traditional FS primarily aim is to enhance Qi and not so much as generalised ideas of e.g. placing a mirror to enhance the stove.

A Traditional Feng Shui person would say this: What happens if the location of the stove is an inauspicious one? Placing a mirror would'nt reflect twice the bad luck?

I personally feel that another view point is that BTB uses entirely " intuitive " or trial and error Feng Shui.

In Traditional Feng Shui is about Qi manipulation and not so much about interior of the house. Although this is a secondary component, most of us would pick up a book and start to " enhance " our interiors.

As books are written for the general user, you will see many people, start hanging wind chimes etc.. But what these people did not realise that this may or may not work or worse do more harm. For example, if we start to use the Numerology method of the Flying Star to assess each individual home.

Someone recently wrote to me saying that because their year element e.g. is Wood, they belong to the wood element. Hence started to do " Fast Food " Feng Shui in ehancing e.g the Fence, gate, door etc.. in colours suitable for the above example: Wood. Only to realise that under the Pillars of Destiny, you have a combination of 8 elements. Yes, the year of birth could be Wood, but what happens when the day, month and time of birth elements and their strength are not taken into consideration.

Lastly, many BTB books I believe are written by Intelligent people and one must have done your personal homework to understand both Traditional and BTB.

I mentioned much earlier that to the " surprise " of many is that the past Grand Masters of Feng Shui did not learn Feng Shui from another Master, but from books (erh.. not BTB books I believe... ). The best way each of us can do is to pick up what is good and discard the bad.

Personally, Robert and myself, have read more than 400 Feng Shui books and will continue to do so. The reason is simple, it is good to understand all `Schools' and from here pick only the best or combine the best of each concept.

Warmest Regards,

-----Original Message-----

>From: "Anon"
>This message is sent from "free-advice" Mailing List.
>One book I read recommended a way to increase qi in the kitchen by placing a small mirror behind the burners on the stove. The idea is to reflect the image of food cooking and heat being generated, in order to "double" these qualities (in other words, having enough food and heat). What is the position of traditional FS in regard to this idea?
>I believe it was another Black Hat/Black Sect book. Thanks...

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