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Topic: What is the purpose of placing 6 coins
Conf: Discuss :: Free Advice (General Feng Shui), Msg: 1484
From: Anon (Hidden from Privacy)
Date: 7/10/1999 11:07 AM

Dear Jason,

When we learn Feng Shui, we need to learn it in a `complete' package.

For example, when one is given the direction of how to do a survey to determine the main entrance door, one has to follow the steps `completely' given by the particular School or person.

For example, what I have devised, the method is meant for all modules for determing the main door at Geomancy.net.

What I hope to do is to make it as simple as possible for everyone.

This is because many if not all users are not familiar in using the Chinese Luo Pan. The twist is that the method mentioned to you is based on the use of the Lou Pan.

When you face the door and reading the direction, you must know the Sitting and Facing direction and how to look at the main door. Furthermore, the compass is oriented from South to North. I sincerely hope that you have taken the proper readings.

For example, under the method you have mentioned, it is correct to face the main door but after this, you must know how to read the Facing direction and Sitting or the Mountain direction.

Frankly, any method, if used correctly and provided one follows the direction of the person correctly, will yield the same result particularly if it is from a traditional `Master'.

What is the reason for placing 6 ancient coins?

This is to `cure' Star 5. If I am not mistaken, Star 5 is present at the SE. As star 5 is a bad star, it is also of the Earth Element.

The 6 coins is to `exhaust' the 5 Earth or Bad Earth element.

Overall, placing 6 coins is a better proposition to neutralise the 5 Earth. The reason for saying so is because, I also have a client who I had advised yesterday evening after looking thru the house chart which happens to be at the SE location. (However, there are 3 SE positions so.. hopefully it coincides with yours at SE3 at 150 degrees).

At the same time, the base number is 9 and there is a 5 Earth present at the SE3 for 1999.

Warmest Regards,
Cecil Lee

On 7/10/99 10:36:13 AM, Jason CT wrote:
>Hi Cecil,
>Sometime ago, I happen to talk
>to a Fengshui "master", and
>was advise to place 6 i-ching
>coins on the floor(glued) of
>my front door. The coins have
>to be arranged in certain
>order (the names of the six
>emperor, can't remember which
>order). Reason for this is
>that my front door is facing
>South, which is not auspicious
>this year. I was told to take
>the compass direction of my
>main door, standing inside the
>house, facing the door, which
>is totally different from what
>you have advise. If I take the
>reading of my front door,
>using the center of the house,
>it will be under the SE
>sector. South & SE is two
>different direction. The
>fengshui "master" also says
>that it is okay to leave the
>coin there even after this
>year. What will happen is I
>place the coins in the SE,
>which belongs the wood, and I
>belong to weak earth.

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Thanks again for your hard work..... Cecil Lee Cecil Lee support@geomancy.net - Feng Shui at Geomancy.Net

Dear Master Cecil Lee

Congratulations for maintaining and continuously upgrading the Geomancy Net. Kudos to your painstaking, educative and comprehensive efforts in helping millions to take note & understand this science of Feng Shui.......I feel exultant every time I visit your site.

Thanks again for your hard work.
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Vijay Kumar
October 2003

Dear Messrs Lee,

I have followed your forum closely not because I am practising fast food feng shui. I noticed that you gave very sound and practical reply to the users here, it have provided a channel for us.

Angeline Tan
4 April 2004

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