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Topic: Re: Telephone Pole over seeing my main door (Via Email)
Conf: Discuss :: Free Advice (General Feng Shui), Msg: 2458
From: Deleted User
Date: 10/15/1999 02:04 PM

Dear Mr. Cecil,
Thank you so much for your advice. I would request you to please explain the
profile of the semi-circular carpet raditating outwards from the house ie
should the circular side face outside and plan side inside or the reverse .
Also , I would like inform you that the pole is not made of wood but metal
..So, in this case which color should be the carpet be.
Thanks and Warm Regards

Kapil Chawla.
Subject: Telephone Pole over seeing my main door

>From: "Cecil Lee"
>This message is sent from "free-advice" Mailing List.
>Dear Kapil,
>Under the Shapes and Form School of Feng Shui, if a telephone pole is
tangent or directly faces one's main door; you are correct to say that it is
considered inauspicious in Feng Shui.
>The reason is because, the main entrance door is considered the `mouth' of
the house. It is also considered the central location where external Qi
comes into the house. (Other similar important points include the windows at
the `frontage side of the house).
>In your case, symbolism plays an important part in Feng Shui. A narrow
telephone pole directly facing the main entrance door is `akin' to a knife
or blade slicing through the main entrance door.
>Under the Shapes and Form School, it is important to `protect' the main
entrance door from such `disturbances'.
>There are a few methods of rectifying it (some require minimal costs while
others may require slightly higher costs):-
>1. The most cost effective method is to place a semi-circular carpet
raditating outwards from the house.
>Acceptable colour is `gold' to yellow coloured carpet to neutralise the
`Wood' element telephone pole. (Wood element especially if the pole is made
of wood.)
>2. The more costly methods include:
>a. Changing to a convex door. I believe this is usually not available in
your country unless it is specially ordered.
>The profile of the door looks something like this:-
>b. Tilting the door to face one of your auspicious directions. (Caution:
You would need to consult a Feng Shui expert for this).
>The advantage here is if one's main door is facing an inauspicious
direction, one can tilt the door to face an auspicious direction. Here, you
are killing two birds with a stone because it will also solve the problem of
the poison arrow caused by the telephone pole.
>3. In my personal opinion, it is less effective for non-Chinese to place a
Ba Gua mirror directly above the main entrance door. If there is really a
spirit around, a Christian `ghost' for example would not even understand the
symbols on the Ba Gua; least frighten by it etc...
>I believe this is similar for other religious `denominations'.
>4. If there are steps to your main door, you can consider semi circular
steps at the front entrance.
>Semi-circular steps is symbolic of a Chinese butcher's blade (minus the
handle) slicing outwards.
>5. One other method is to place a pot of a medium sized plant on the path
of the telephone pole to soften/neutralise some of its effects.
>The above are some of the common methods used.
>Warmest Regards,
>>On 10/14/99 5:18:16 PM, Kapil Chawla wrote:
>>Dear Sir
>>My main south facing door
>>over sees a telephone pole .
>>The distance =between the pole
>>and door is 10 feets . I Know
>>that this is bad Feng =Shui .
>>But what are the ill effects
>>of this situation. And how do
>>I =rectify it .
>Kapil Chawla

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User's Comments
...An unsolicited endorsement... Cecil Lee Cecil Lee support@geomancy.net - Feng Shui at Geomancy.Net "I have had the absolute privilege of studying Feng Shui under the guidance of Masters Cecil and Robert Lee.

Apart from learning the traditional method of this system, they have also taught me about compassion and humility. These qualities are extremely important in my opinion as we are dealing with people's lives when we delve deeply into their Four Pillars Chart and try assist as much as possible.

Over the years, nothing has been too much of a problem for them in helping me attain the success I now experience.

How I wish they were in down town Perth, Western Australia. I sincerely hope you Singaporeans understand just how very very fortunate you are to have them "on tap". I am originally from Singapore many years ago and I have an excellent understanding of the culture and lifestyle of the Island.

Out of interest, I "monitor" a few Feng Shui "Lists" coming out of Singapore and to say that there is amazing nonsense being proliferated is putting it very mildly indeed. I feel so very sorry for those being "sucked in".

So guys, we are a very lucky bunch of folk to be under the umbrella of Cecil and Robert Lee. I have no doubt reading all the posts that come thru Geomancy Net that you all do appreciate their efforts.

Glyn Hezakiah

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