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Topic: RE: What are Poison Arrows? (Via Email)
Conf: Discuss :: Free Advice (General Feng Shui), Msg: 2885
From: Deleted User
Date: 11/3/1999 06:40 PM


As I mentioned previously I have a business, which I recently started =running from a bedroom in my home. The window of my office and my front =door are both on the East side of my house. This is supposed to be good =for me. My neighbor's house on the East side, is the house in question. =There is a high evergreen hedge masking the house from the downstairs of =my property. However as I stand at my office window, and at a window at =the top of the stairs there is a triangular shaped section of tiled roof =pointing directly at me. There is also 2 other sections of the roof that =point in my direction, like so, /\ /\. Until recently I have had a =mirror in my office opposite the window to make the room lighter. I have =now removed this. My desk is currently facing South so the window is =directly to my left. Does this roof constitute a poison arrow? If so =what does this mean? Is there any cure, such as a blind or curtain?

I have lived in this house for 10 years and have been very happy. I =recently set up the business, and I have been experiencing a seemingly =endless stream of bad luck. I am gearing myself up for an FS audit. I =can't move house and I suppose I am worried that the audit will throw up =a very negative future, so I am trying to find out more. I have read a =few FS books (Sarah Shurety), and my house seems more or less okay, =according to her methodologies, apart from sloping ceiling upstairs, or =maybe something I have not yet discovered. Sarah Shurety method seems to =focus on placing a Bangue chart over the plan of a property. This chart =divides the property into 9 sections, which represent nine main areas of =your life, Benefactors, Career, Knowledge, Ancestors, Health, Children, =Wealth, Fame, and Relationships. The system that your company works with =is very different, and sometimes conflicting. What should someone like =myself do reference an audit? FS does sound very complicated, and your =site has been very useful in helping me understand things better. I =would like to beable to use FS to enrich my life. Can you offer me any =advice, with regards to an audit? As I am in England I am intending to =use your site for Pillars of Destiny, but ask Sarah to do an audit. Can =you comment?


From: Listmanager[SMTP:listmanager@forum.3dmail.com]
Sent: 02 November 1999 03:09
To: (Recipients of 'free-advice' suppressed)
Subject: What are Poison Arrows?

From: "Cecil Lee"

This message is sent from "free-advice" Mailing List.

Dear Kate,

To confirm if it is indeed a poison arrow, it must be tangent to or =aimed directly at the main entrance or the window.

The best way to determine this is to stand at the main door facing =outwards. If you do not see the triangular roof pointed directly towards =the main entrance door it is not really a poison arrow.

Do the same for the window. Stand at the window and observe the =triangular roof. Is it pointed into the house thru the window?

If not, then this is not a poison arrow.

Warmest Regards,

On 11/1/99 7:31:44 PM, Anonymous wrote:
>I run a small business out of
>a bedroom in my home. Opposite
>my office window is a house,
>which has several triangular
>shaped sections of the roof
>pointing towards me. I live in
>England and the design of roof
>is quite common in the
>countryside. Is this a bad
>thing, and is there any cures?

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User's Comments
...you are indeed a very generous person Cecil Lee Cecil Lee support@geomancy.net - Feng Shui at Geomancy.Net Dear Master Cecil

First and foremost, after reading your advise on doing a search on the forum to my questions, I feel that you are indeed a very generous person. Who on earth will give out their valuable knowledge to others without taken a single penny. I did a search on crystals and changing of house period and found out that in your forum/reply, you went into very detailed reply with no cost (except for the internet bills).

Once again...thank you.

My doubts are cleared.

Janice Wong Wai Yee
20 March 2004

Dear Robert,

Thank you for the reply. I had sent a short thank you to Master Cecil's response to my question on the forum.

I think you (both) are doing a great job. Your pride and enjoyment in doing your work shows through on the great website you have built. I know the hard work you have put in, also conducting my business and interest through a website.

Best regards,
Keith Orlando
United Kingdom
30 April 2004

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