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Topic: Placement of mirrors in the house
Conf: Discuss :: Free Advice (General Feng Shui), Msg: 4579
From: Anon (Hidden from Privacy)
Date: 2/7/2000 09:57 PM

Dear Carina,

1. Currently, there is no `rule' to say that a mirror can only be placed in the dinning, living and toilets. But rather, we should understand the reasoning behind what was mentioned.

2. The reason for placing in a toilet is because most master bedrooms have an attached bathroom.

Because of this, it is `advisable' to place the mirror above the wash basin rather than in the bedroom area. This is because some of us are more `sensitive' to mirrors facing the bed.

It is still acceptable to place the mirror on the dressing table if it does not face the bed.

3. Some of us are not sensitive to mirrors even if they face the bed. So, here it does not apply to everyone.

4. For a mirror placed in the dinning room, the Chinese dialect group i.e. Cantonese some of them believe that a mirror facing the dinning room will bounce back more `food' or plentiful food in the dinning room.

5. For mirrors in the living room, majority do it more for interior decorations e.g. make the living room look `bigger' and brighter.

6. The main consideration under Feng Shui is that should the sector or wall has an inaupicious Flying Star e.g. the sickness star, one concept that, it will bounce back twice the `bad luck'.

It is under Para 6 that Feng Shui practitioners are concerned about.

7. Where best, the mirror should face an opposite wall rather than a door or entrance. I am not sure one would feel `comfortable' seeing one's profile each time one leaves the kitchen. This has nothing to do with Feng Shui (just my personal comments).

Consideration under Feng Shui: It is best not to reflect sharp objects e.g. knives fork if it is visible view of the `opposite' mirror. I believe this is not the case as mentioned in your message.

Warmest Regards,

On 2/7/00 9:35:16 PM, Carina Tien wrote:
>Hi Cecil,
>I understand that mirror can
>only place in dinning room,
>living room and toilets. I
>have an empty wall at the
>dining room which I would like
>to place a mirror on.
>However, if I place the mirror
>there, the mirror will not
>reflect the food on the table
>(the wall does not face the
>dinning table), but it will
>face the entrance to the
>kitchen. Can I still place
>the mirror on that wall?

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..thank Cecil for this website... Cecil Lee Cecil Lee support@geomancy.net - Feng Shui at Geomancy.Net "When I first learnt about feng shui, I had no idea there was such thing as kindergarten FengShui and the true and proper form of feng shui. I have simply accepted that fact and have followed it step by step. I have learnt many things. It's encouraged me to bring my wellbeing desires forth. Feng Shui really does bring joy into our lives - IF we apply it correctly. FIRST by starting with yourself. How is it that we can gain strong health if we drink coffee, smoke and alcohol? How do we gain a stable financial account if we tend to spend money on things we really don't need in our lives. How can you gain knowledge and wisdom if you curse and criticise? So as you can see, if we want to take advantage of fengshui, then you, as yourself must change."

"When I took action to change myself, I also felt the desire to goto church. religion is like feng shui, there are kindergarten churches, and a true and proper form of church. As i joined the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints; the only true and proper form of church on this earth. life has never been any better. I love it!! It feels as if I can take advantage of fengshui as well as live a happier life I have most desired for. It has brought many blessings into the home."

"Happiness is not within money or wickedness, but love and charity, it balances your life so it will bring forward a more better and stronger YOU!"

"I would like to thank Cecil for this website. I have followed Cecil's feng shui advice and have found them work for me."

"I hope this testimony will help all realise that fengshui will not work, if you plan to be lazy about it!!" All the best, Daniel, New Zealand

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