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Topic: Stuck, can Feng Shui help?
Conf: Discuss :: Free Advice (General Feng Shui), Msg: 4915
From: Anon (Hidden from Privacy)
Date: 3/5/2000 06:58 PM

Dear Anon,

1. Based on your information, it is presently difficult to `pinpoint' how effective, Feng Shui can do at this time.

2. One think for certain is that:

2.1 Feng Shui can help to `reverse' some of the Earthly Luck of your home.

2.2 As for the office, as you mentioned that your investment is overseas, it is difficult to do Feng Shui by "remote control." Usually, an audit has to be conducted at the office premises.

2.3 As you mentioned that both of you have present jobs, one way is to `enhance' each individual by using the Pillars of Destiny i.e. looking at the element and its strengths.

3. Currently, between (divided) amongst ourselves we are currently helping many cases (some of them privately) thus, for those who need help, would have to be more proactive by utilising the various tools and analysis provided.

4. Please e-mail robert-lee@3dmail.com privately so that we can provide you free credits especially for:

Home Audit report,
The necessary Pillars of Destiny reports.

Both reports, are pretty detailed and if you need clarifications do let us know.

5. For your present home, you should also try to see if there are any poison arrows aimed at your existing house and conduct your own `Shapes and Form audit'.

There are available resources in this website. Pay more attention to the location of the toilet, the sleeping area and main entrance door, any poison arrows aimed at the windows.

6. Use the Eight House Theory to see how suitable the house is.

For more information on how to do a Eight House, go to:


Warmest Regards,

On 3/3/00 9:07:00 PM, Anonymous wrote:
>Dear Robert.
>Thank you for answering my
>letter. You ask what our
>problems actually are.
>Well to begin with we are in a
>bit (a lot) of financial
>strife right now. We had
>invested money in an overseas
>investment, which after a
>couple of months stopped.
>However we have been told that
>things are suppose to be
>getting back on track within
>the next couple of weeks, but
>we have heard this before.
>Although we are now both
>working we can not get
>anywhere to catching up with
>our bill payments which have
>got behind. I feel strongly
>that something is stopping us
>getting ahead. We moved to a
>small country town about a
>year ago and have found it
>hard to settle. It has been
>very lonely and my husband has
>not been able to get work
>locally and is travelling an
>hour each way to work. He is
>very depressed about our
>financial state. A few years
>ago we lost our house because
>of a bad business which he
>himself for. I guess things
>just haven't been going our
>way for about 5 years now.
>Even back further till when we
>had our business, although we
>worked hard and tried to do
>all the right things, it just
>didn't really take off. We
>sold that business last year.
>We would like to move to a
>town where we have
>family, but financially cant
>move and also we would have to
>have employment.
>We are very unsettled, no
>knowing where we should be
>living and in life itself.
>The more I hear about Feng
>Shui the more I become
>interested in it. I know there
>is a reason for what we are
>going through now but haven't
>yet worked out what it is. Its
>just this feeling that
>something is blocking us
>moving on, being able to know
>what it is we want. As I said
>we are renting. The house we
>live in is quite old. A long
>narrow house which looks out
>over paddocks that slop down
>to a river and more farm land.
>We have a lot a trees and
>garden on the property.
>Hope this has helped and you
>are able to point in some kind
>of direction.

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