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Topic: Do spirits harm people
Conf: Discuss :: Free Advice (General Feng Shui), Msg: 5525
From: Anon (Hidden from Privacy)
Date: 4/13/2000 07:04 PM

Dear Anon,

In my opinion, there are four `sources' of such spirits:

1. Wondering imps. These imps, I believe are playful imps that perhaps are `attracted' to the home e.g. where they pass by a house, found the sound of the windchime.

In my opinion, these are quite harmless, but can give nightmares to people.

2. Spirits or souls that could not rest easy. For example, they were brutally murdered, hanged or some other events of such nature.

I believe, these spirits soul were not laid to rest and perhaps, the event somehow still continue to be `trapped' in the particular area.

3. The Seven Lunar Month.

Since ancient times, the Chinese believed that during the first day to the last day of the Seven Lunar month, each year, the gates of hell are opened and hungry ghosts wander on the earth.

During this period, many Chinese are superstitous, and one often see, the burning and offerings during this period. There is also a hungry ghost festival where a performance was made, to applease these hungry ghosts in the hope that they do not make trouble.

In the 7th month, you do not see the Chinese (who believe in this) move house nor go to the beach to swim, they avoid travel if they can and marriages are a No, No, during this period.

Strangely, either by co-incidence, I often observed that there are more cases of `death' during this month particularly the elderly in my country.

Perhaps, this is indeed a co-incidence, but, if one looks into the newspaper (quite alot of obituaries) and go to public housing estates, one frequently finds, tents that signify, that someone had died. As in such housing estates, it is common for the coffin to be placed there for a few days, to allow visitors to pay their last respect.

4. Bad or evil spirits.

There are some who pay homage to `evil spirits'. For example, they keep or trap these `evil spirits' in a small bottle.

The Japanese has a spirit, which is paid homage in a coffin shape.

What happens is that, by paying homage to these `evil spirits', one get a few years of enjoyment e.g. money etc...

But, after the time is up, it is payback time. Where you lose your life or return it to them. The person really dies.

5. The earthly posessions of the person are unable to be retained. The only way to get rid of them is to sent them away with the earthly possesions.

Only expert `cleansers' can totally get rid of them. If they get `attached' to a house, they can hide inside e.g. large ceramic pottery e.g. large Chinese vases, or trees of my grandfather (my mother's side in Johore Bahru). Fortunately, after the exorist was done, his home was not affected.

The large Chinese vases etc.. had to be destroyed and thrown away.

If they are not properly removed, it would affect the unfortuanate household owner whom they `fled' there.

(This incident really happened in the 1970's to my uncle - my mother's brother's mother in-law). I remembered that my uncle [who is staying in Malaysia, and the incident occurred there] mother-in-law paid homage to the `coffin' Japanese spirit and lost her life).

6. For dogs, I personally had observed a dog that was tied to the front main entrance. When a spirit appears, the dog would move uneasily back and forth and whine or howl uncomfortably.

Again, I apologise to anyone if the above cause any anxiety. This is not Feng Shui but, since this question was asked, I would like to share my personal experience on this.

7. Coming back to the question of detection, I have mentioned earlier, the various methods available to detect them.

But we must not create an environment conducive to them.

For example, without proper knowledge, placing a wind chime especially a metallic one, at Yin locations or metal locations may unduly enhance and `attract' e.g. imps to the house.

If the spirit is particularly violent, one may fall sick later. For example, if one uses the Luopan and subsequently, it goes `hay wire', and one falls sick immediately or shortly later, one may have to throw away the Luopan.

Currently, based on my personal experience, houses that are build under periods 1, 2 or 3, 4 or 5 are more prone to such occurences.

Houses built under Period 6 or 7 are relatively clean. But if there is a major incident, e.g. a hanging or suicide especially at the North East sector, perhaps, the situation is `trapped' there.

If it is properly neutralised or elements balanced especially, reducing Yin environment, it can be elimnated.

Warmest Regards,

n 4/13/00 3:04:00 PM, Anonymous wrote:
>Dear cecil,
>It is the continuation of the
>questions on the spirits.
>Besides giving a person
>nightmares and making the
>house yin. Do the spirits harm
>people and what is the cure
>besides keeping the dog(not
>allowed to keep a big dog).

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