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Topic: Newbie needs advice on individual queries
Conf: Discuss :: Free Advice (General Feng Shui), Msg: 6046
From: Anon (Hidden from Privacy)
Date: 5/18/2000 07:30 AM

Dear Denise,

Please see below:-

On 5/17/00 8:31:00 PM, DENISE HURST wrote:
>I'm not sure if you answer
>individual queries or not. If
>not, please forgive the
>intrusion. I'm not very
>knowledgeable about Feng shui
>and I live in Spain and cannot
>find any English speaking
>experts so it's trial and

Welcome to the forum.

>My partner and I live and work
>in a north facing house (the
>front door faces north). My
>house should be NW, his NE. If
>I've done this correctly, this
>means that for both of us, the
>death line or disaster line
>runs directly from our front
>door. how can I help solve

Under the Eight House theory, there is really not much one can do other than understand that the house is the least suitable to you.

But one should look at the bigger picture. For example, what intangible force is affecting the bedroom.

Here, it is best that it is one of the four good intangible forces.

On the other hand if one spouse has a good intangible force and the other not so good, let the spouse with the better intangible force sleep closer to that sector.

For example if the husband's intangible force is prosperity while the wife's is disaster at the North sector (where the bed is).

Let the husband sleep closer to this North sector, shielding, the wife i.e. the wife sleeps further away from the intangible force.

>Our office, where we both work
>from the same desk, is in the
>east corner of the house and
>we have a choice of the desk
>facing north, under the widow,
>looking out on to the garden
>and pool area, although all
>the windows are covered with
>metal grilles, and the door
>behind us or else with the
>desk facing south but facing a
>blank wall with the door at
>the side of us (on the
>right). I've chosen the
>latter as I don't like the
>door behind us. I have the
>three coins, red braid hanging
>in the NE corner of the

Yes, under Shapes and Form Feng Shui it is best to have the table face the door.

Rather than having the door behind you. `On guard position).

Perhaps, I believe that most likely you have read somewhere to use three coins with red braid to generate wealth. Well, this is up to you as it is more of a believe than Feng Shui.

>the bedroom is in the SW and
>we have the beds under the N
>facing window same view, again
>with grilles, with our feet
>facing S and facing, but not
>directly in line with, the
>door. Previously the beds
>were West - East but we've
>recently changed.

You can use the Eight House theory to confirm this.

Where possible:

1. Priority should go to sleeping at a good sector first.

2. Only after Para 1 is `satisfied' then you have a luxury of sleeping with the head facing a good direction (based on the Eight House theory).

>We have a patio outside and I
>have wind chimes hanging
>outside, in line with the
>doorway. I also have
>windchimes hanging in the
>window of the office and also
>between the bedroom, bathroom
>and kitchen. I have a crystal
>hanging in the window of the
>Any suggestions on harmonising
>the house would be
>appreciated, bearing in mind
>that it is very small and also
>rented so too much change is

For the placement of wind chimes and crystals, usually it is up to you (especially if you use `sixth sense' or `trial and error Feng Shui). As not much information is available here.

Most of the time, a more scientific method is to analyse using Flying Star theory to confirm if it is good or bad placing wind chimes or crystals.

This depends on the degree or involvement of an individual i.e. if one do not want to go further than just basic Feng Shui, thus, the choice is yours.

Warmest Regards,

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User's Comments
Very comprehensive website..packed with so much Cecil Lee Cecil Lee support@geomancy.net - Feng Shui at Geomancy.Net

Dear Robert,

Thanks so much for replying to my E-mail, all the advices and insights are worth much much more than the minimal money I paid.

Thanks again for your help, and I will keep you posted for my progress.

Yours Sincerely,

Michelle Guo
September 11, 2004

Hi Cecil,

" Firstly, you have a very comprehensive website that is packed with so much info. It is very informative and it must have been a challenge to do so much.... "

" Thank you so much for your reply to my questions. I am grateful to you for sparing your time our of your busy schedule to be so precise in your answers."

Warm Regards
Janalin Tan
freelance writer
Home Concepts Magazine, Singapore
18 June 2004

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