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Dear Thanh,
Please see below:-
On 7/4/00 10:21:00 AM, Thanh Huynh wrote:
>Dear Cecil,
>The 20-year reigning period: 7
>(1984-2003). House direction:
>S2 (180). Gender: Male. Date
>of birth:3-3-1959.
>According to this report this
>house is an inauspicious house
>for me. How can I cure all
>bad things listed below:
>1. The main door face South
>which is irritation. I
>usually use the garage door
>about 90% of time. My garage
>face North West. But I have
>toilet room which is on the
>left of this door and in
>health sector.
Step 1: Look through your 20 Year Flying Star Chart. Here pay attention to areas that need to be neutralised.
Place all the relevant cures in the house.
The Eight House theory although is a valid theory, is less important since it is only the `irritation' sector of your main entrance.
More importantly, if you are using the Eight House, check the intangible force in areas that you spent most time i.e. this includes the bedroom location.
>2. My master bed room is on
>the second floor which is
>faced East (Disaster).
>Because the way of the room
>lay out my bed is in center of
>the wall face East. I can not
>turn my bed around because the
>phone, cable, and power
>outlet. The living room is
>right below this room.
Here, even if your master bedroom is at your disaster sector, you should give priority to proper placement of the bed under the Shapes and Form Feng Shui.
Where the bed is located in a suitable sector and conform to the Shapes and Form Feng Shui.
Pay more attention to the Flying Star analysis at this sector. If this sector is out of balance, and if a cure is asked for, then use the necessary cure for this sector.
One cannot really do much even if it is the `disaster' sector under the Eight House Theory as there is no cure for this other than to avoid sleeping in that sector.
>3. My master bath room is in
>the North East sector
>(Prosperity). The dinning
>room is right below this bath
It would be good if you can sleep closer to the NE (Prosperity.. but if you cannot, there is not much can be done here).
>4. The house is sloping to
>the left (South East) which is
This is a natural feature under Shapes and Form and cannot be corrected unless (move house).
Anyway, I believe your main concern here is the `unsuitabilty' of the house to you especially under the Eight House theory.
Where possible, score more marks in other areas such as:
Shapes and Form and Flying Star.
Under Shapes and Form, you can `score' points internally, by arranging your bed and other furniture, in a good Shapes and Form setting.
Under Flying Star theory, try to score points by neutralising any imbalances at each sector of the house.
Lastly, `protect' your house from poision arrows (if any) especially by looking out the main entrance or windows.
Overall, I believe your house is not that `bad' as compared to even `worse' off houses.
Warmest Regards,
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