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Topic: Eight house versus True Element
Conf: Discuss :: Free Advice (General Feng Shui), Msg: 6945
From: Anon (Hidden from Privacy)
Date: 9/10/2000 08:16 PM

Dear Cheui May,

I very glad to hear from you:)

1. The Eight House is based on a person's personal Gua no. I believe the key
essence when one uses it is to relate it to one spending time at a specific

There are two major uses of this theory is:-

a. How suitable the house is to the person? ( The main entrance and the
intangible force at the sector). If this is the death/disaster sector, this
house is generally the least suitable house for the person.

b. How long does one spent time at this sector? Thus, one major concern is:
what is the intangible force at the bedroom /bed of the person.

2. The Eight House Theory is not related to the Five elements unlike: The
Flying Star theory or the Pillars of Destiny.

3. When we check to see if a sector is `in balance' or out of balance. If
that particular sector is out of balance, we than try to `neutralise' it by
applying a cure. For example: Use a `metal' cure.

4. Since there is a common denominator: The Five Elements, we can then apply
The Flying Star Theory inconjunction with the Pillars of Destiny.

In traditional Feng Shui, we first find a person's element and strength. We
also look at a person's luck period to see what sought of `season' the
element is in and whether it is neutral to our element or affects it.

For example, lets say that a person is a weak fire person. And the season of
influence is strong water. Here, since water destroys fire and since this is
a weak fire, it may get extinguished. In such a situation, for home decor,
avoid having water (Blue) such as painting the bedroom blue for example. Or,
avoid keeping fishes in the home.

5. As you mentioned, North represents Water and East represents Wood etc...
This are purely, general statements relating to each direction having an
`association' to an element. Although these are `technically correct' i.e.
North = Water.

In "kindergarten Feng Shui" we can apply such associations. But these are
two general.

6. Thus in Traditional Feng Shui (above kindergarten FS) we do not normally
apply based on Para 5. But rather as mentioned earlier, look at one's
element and strength. And also for the home, we look at the birth chart of
the house e.g. (looking at Shapes and Form) and next look at it using The
Flying Star to analyse each sector and if that particular sector is out of
balance, neutralise any imbalances at that sector).

7. In fact you are applying some of the Ba Zhi Feng Shui, principles by
looking at e.g. your boyfriends element and strength and relating it to each
sector. The sector that is not in harmony with your boyfriend should be
noted. Ba Zhi Feng Shui is more specific and should be considered more
important then the Eight House Theory.

Warmest Regards,

----- Original Message -----
From: "free-advice Listmanager"
Sent: Friday, September 08, 2000 7:06 PM
Subject: Eight house versus True Element

> From: "Cheui May Heui"
> Hi Cecil,


> Haven't participated for a while... Been very busy working.


> Remember the job that I got about a month ago and I was asking advice on
the best place for me to sit? Well, I should have know that the job was not
suited for me as the main entrance was in the South East section, which is
death for me. I ran into a lot of unexplained bad luck and ended up losing
the job before I had a chance to do a flying chart and correct the
imbalances. But because of the corrections that you helped me make at my
home, I was hired for another job just two days later and have been working
there ever since.


> The new place has the entrance in the North West and it's working out very
well. In analyzing my true element, I do have some confusion that I would
like your opinion on.

> In the eight house theory, a person has 4 good directions and 4 bad. For
instance, my boyfriend is a Li, fire. According to 8 house, his good
directions are E, S, N, SE, but in the Pillars of destiny, He is a weak
water. Out of the good direction offered, I know that the North is a good
direction because water adds to weak water, but the S, E, SE are not really
supportive elements for weak water, as E and SE are both wood and can drain
weak water. According to the elemental theory, Metal creates water, but
neither W or NW is a good direction for a Li person according to the 8


> So which theory should we follow? As soon as I get my bills down a
little, I plan to look for another place to live. I want to know should I
choose a house according to the 8 house theory to fine one with a good door
facing one of my auspicious directions, or shall I choose a door with metal
because metal supports weak water?



> Looking forward to hear your views.


> cheui may

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