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Topic: Eight house versus True Element
Conf: Discuss :: Free Advice (General Feng Shui), Msg: 6956
From: Anon (Hidden from Privacy)
Date: 9/12/2000 07:16 AM

Dear Cheui May,

1. In Feng Shui, it is also important to maximize one's LUCK using the three most important theories:-

1.1 Shapes and Form

Here, location, location and location is important.

1.2 Eight House

HOW SUITABLE is the house to the person? And at locations where one spents most time at should preferably be an auspicious sector.

1.3 Flying Star and Pillars of Destiny

Here, Flying Star looks the birth chart of the house is looked at.

While we extract, one's element and strength from Pillars of Destiny. Look at our luck periods and its relationship with the five elements.

If you can see clearly, each principle above (1.1; 1.2 and 1.3) are specific tools used to analyse different things.

For example, the Eight House is to look at suitability of a house to a person. Thus even if the birth chart of the house is excellent, yet it does not `fit' a person, there is a mismatch here.

Thus, I hope you can understand from the above, that one should not look in isolation but know the PURPOSE of each theory and apply them accordingly.

For example, if there is a toilet at the centre of the house, this is a fundamental `flaw' under Shapes and Form School.

So, even if one has EXCELLENT birth chart of the house and even if this house is SUITABLE to a person under Eight house, you may not get good Feng Shui from the house.

For example, your present house layout (apologise if I bring this out) does not have good Shapes and Form.

I hope you understand that it is very difficult to explain all the above.

Warmest Regards,

On 9/12/00 7:06:00 AM, Cecil Lee wrote:
>Dear Cheui May,
>1. As you are aware, Feng Shui
>is based on a holistic
>2. In some of the messages, I
>relate finding a good home
>with the equalvalent of
>`scoring' marks in an
>In order to score marks or
>pass a test, one should
>maximize our scores.
>For example, if the
>examination requires one to
>answer 4 essay questions
>within 2 hours.
>3. Some of us may only answer
>3 questions and after that
>spent too much time that we
>did not answer the fourth
>4. As each question carries 25
>marks each, by not answering
>the last (fourth question),
>our maximum marks (if we ever
>do get all three questions
>correct is 75%). Most of us
>know that we may not get this
>and could fail our exams.
>5. Thus, it would be more
>prudent to make an effort to
>allocate 30 minutes to answer
>each question. By doing so, we
>would have `maximise' our
>marks. This could make the
>difference between passing or
>failing this examination.
>6. Similiarly, one MUST
>understand clearly the PURPOSE
>of each Feng Shui theory.
>Part I.... will be continued
>in ... second message....
>On 9/12/00 3:08:00 AM, Cheui May Heui
>>Hi Cecil,
>>Thanks for your reply, but I
>>still am confused as how to
>>choose a house. For instance,
>>I am a weak water according to
>>my pillars of destiny. In the
>>Eight house theory, NE and SW
>>are both good directions for
>>me, but both of these are
>>earth and earth destroys
>>water. So it just doesn't
>>seem logical for me to choose
>>a house with an entrance in
>>either of those directions.
>>I'm sorry to be so insistence,
>>but I'm really trying to
>>understand this point. Are
>>you saying that once the
>>imbalances are neutralized
>>through shapes and form and
>>the flying star analysis, it
>>would not matter where I spend
>>my time? But still why would
>>I specifically choose an
>>entrance in a direction that
>>is earth?
>>Cheui May

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Your course is excellent!.... Cecil Lee Cecil Lee support@geomancy.net - Feng Shui at Geomancy.Net Hi Robert and Cecil,

"Your course is excellent! Although i knew most of the material from previous readings, you made a lot of things a lot clear to me, thanks to the good illustrations,namely the good and bad water positions. In this case, a «picture tells it all»." Paulo Mendes

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