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Topic: Chimes, etc.
Conf: Discuss :: Free Advice (General Feng Shui), Msg: 7701
From: Anon (Hidden from Privacy)
Date: 1/22/2001 05:04 AM

Dear Anon,

Please see below:-

On 1/20/01 11:34:00 AM, Anonymous wrote:
>Dear Cecil,
>In Feng shui Tips & Tricks,
>you had mentioned that it is
>not advisable to hang a
>metallic wind chime in the
>West direction. Well, I have
>had a wind chime (6 metal rods
>with a wooden clapper)
>in this direction for some
>time now. This direction falls
>in my father’s bedroom (using
>the bagua, this is the
>relationship area of our

In the Feng Shui Tips and Tricks, what I mean is that when placing a wind chime, especially if it is a metallic wind chime, one must be especially cautious if placed in locations of the general metal element such as NW or West.

Two other locations such as NE (devil's main gate) and SW (devil's back door) must also be noted.

It is not that one must not place it there but rather, take care especially if no FS audit has been conducted.

Usually, this is done in relation to the Flying Star analysis to ensure that there is a balance at this sector.

>The chime is hanging from the
>roof just outside the glass
>sliding windows. We hardly
>ever hear it tinkle because
>the windows stay shut on one
>side. Do I remove it at once?

Frankly, if it serves no purpose and since it hardly tinkle: this is considered good and bad.

Good because, being ever hardly tinkle, usually the metallic tinkle is not heard at all and thus, it is not activated.

"Bad", hmm.. since a full audit has not been conducted... not sure if there is an imbalance caused with it but usually, since it is of the metal element... it is much better than using other elements that may cause an imbalance.

>In SE-S-SW is my bedroom. A
>feng shui consultant had
>advised me to keep a yellow
>coloured mud pot in the SW
>corner – I had been feeling
>very upset about my parents
>and he said that this would
>give stability. Please advise.

I personally feel that this advise is not related to Traditional FS advise, unless the consultant has related it to the sector and can mention that since the yellow coloured mud pot (which in my opinion represents) earth element is used to counter another element which is causing an imbalance. I.e. yellow (earth)is thus used to counter such an imbalance.

I take this more as a `decoration' since, usually such a small quantity may not give an impact to the location.

>Also, the SW part of my house
>(according to the bagua, this
>would be the fame area) is
>totally missing. Should this
>be a worry? I have read stuff
>about putting a red light in
>the missing area to energise
>it. Is this true?

Under the Shapes and Form School of Feng Shui, the significance of a missing area can be seen from the following:-


You have to properly determine whether indeed is it a real missing corner:-

1. It should normally be more than 1/3 or 33.3 percent of the area of a sector.

2. One should confirm whether instead of it being a missing corner.. could it be a protrusion?

The significance under the Shapes and Form School of SW which is not fame corner but rather... constant bad luck... occuring ...

3. Usually, mirrors are placed on each side of the wall to give the illusion of extending it.

Warmest Regards,

>Thanks & regards.
>P.S. By mistake, I posted the
>above in the 'Conference for
>Layouts' also.

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A Big , Big Thank You of a Success Story Cecil Lee Cecil Lee support@geomancy.net - Feng Shui at Geomancy.Net Dear Cecil

" I contacted Robert and you initially in November last year, having gone through an 18month period of never ending bad luck. I also had an arm injury, which would not heal after a year. Absolutely nothing would go right for me, not even the simplest most trivial thing. I then found that finances were a problem. As recommended I completed a Flying Star report, and a Pillars of Destiny Report, and followed all the recommendation and cures. I also received allot of advice from your Free Advise service, and read all the previous messages for tips. I am delighted to report that the string of bad luck has now been broken, and I have gone back to normal, which is brilliant. I can’t thank you both enough. Finances are also satisfactory, so I can now work hard and strive to achieve greater things. I will always remember your kindness, it was most encouraging. I will try to use your example, and help other people when they are in need and maybe I can do something to help. Many thanks. "

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