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Dear Angel and Bernard,
Please see below:-
On 2/24/01 1:16:00 AM, Angeline J Chew wrote:
>Dear Cecil,
>I have a couple of questions
>which I hope you will be
>patient with me.
>My husband's element is Weak
>Earth, I am Strong Earth, my
>eldest daughter is Weak Earth,
>and the youngest is Strong
>Fire, my mom who lives with us
>is Weak Wood. Our house main
>door faces NE30 degrees.
>1. We have a collection of 50+
>pieces in a revolving glass
>cabinet and an amethyst we
>would like to display. Are
>there any unsuitable place to
>display and what would be the
>best place to display the
>crystal and amethyst?
For NE30 degrees, avoid placing the crysals and amethyst at the location where you are considering placing your dining table. That location should preferably be avoided.
For the collection of 50+ pieces, you can place it at the location (previously the altar of the previous owner).
Avoid placing it when you first step into the home i.e. at the divider of the room.
The above is the better location.
>2. Our kitchen is in the SE
>sector(Wood). Can we have a
>stove and a fridge placed in
>opposite sides facing each
>other? The kitchen lies in the
>Spook and Death sector for us,
>should we use Fire and/or
>Water Element to cure?
Preferably, your fridge be placed just after you step into the kitchen area (to the right) or next to the washing machine). Avoid, placing the frige facing the stove in the SE sector.
>3. My two daughters share the
>same room in the SW location
>and also part of West
>location. My youngest
>daughter doesn't have a
>problem sleeping in any part
>of the room. My eldest
>daughter doesn't benefit from
>any of these locations. If we
>use Metal instead of Fire
>elements to cure Weak Earth,
>will it cause any unfavorable
>elements since my youngest
>daughter(a Strong Fire
>Element)is in the same room.
>What would be an ideal
Yes, you can use Metal i.e. 6 metal coins in this location. Cures are used to cure a sector and it does not have a direct influence on your youngest daughter (Strong Fire). The `location cure' is used specifically to neutralise that sector.
>4. The Grand Duke location in
>conflict is East for Year 2001
>thus no renovation should be
>done in the West. Is painting
>the wall considered a
If you are renovationing the whole house, in my opinion, it does not really matter. And where possible:-
1. Do not choose a date to move in before the renovation
2. Especially on the day of renovation of the EAST wall, do not enter the premises.
3. Based on the auspicious date report, choose a good date for the contractor to start work.
>5. Part of our master bedroom
>is in the center of the house.
>Most of the area is in the
>South, SE, East and SW.
>unfortunately we cannot place
>our bed at SW (ideal) and the
>only possible place is at SE
>and South location. It is
>Death(SE)for my husband and
>Disaster(S)for me. Can I say
>that I should sleep on the
>South side which is better
>than death sector and my
>husband will then lie nearest
>to SE sector which is only
>Spook for him.
Yes, your analysis is correct:) Yous should sleep on the South side.
In the SW
>sector corner, we are thinking
>of creating a cosy corner with
>a sofa/lounger and a standing
>light which is also near the
>window. Opposite this
>arrangement is the toilet but
>we are doing a feature wall
>with doors opening outwards to
>conceal the toilet. Is this
>arrangement viable? Can we
>retain the original toilet
>door if we are doing the
>feature wall with/ doors, and
>that makes it to 2 doors
>before you can enter the
You can do this. But make sure that adequate light do get into the bedroom and into the toilet.
Avoid a situation where, the area within the double doors is `dark' and perhaps impact on the lighting within the toilet even if one wall is an external wall. The lighting has to be visualised carefully.
>We thank you for your time and
Warmest Regards,
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