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Topic: (question)I'm confused about 2 things.
Conf: Discuss :: Free Advice (General Feng Shui), Msg: 7936
From: Anon (Hidden from Privacy)
Date: 2/25/2001 11:01 PM

Dear Stephaine,

1. I can quite understand your confusion on how to apply the various concepts that appears in various books - authors, FS practitioners.

2. On a macro level; it would be best to avoid `modern' day concepts on Feng Shui. Such as Ba Gua teachings or the use of Fixed templates.

3. Where possible, try to find out, where possible, whether certain forms of FS is based on `modern' day teachings or traditional forms of Feng Shui.

I understand this may be difficult if one learns from a third party. But if it is through a book or site, try to avoid sites relating to Black Hat Sect FS. The clue is to check on the author's background and /or association especially with Lin Yun.

4. Next, under Traditional FS there are three main areas:-

4.1 Shapes and Form Feng Shui
4.2 Compass School: The Eight House Theory and Flying Star Theory
4.3 Eight Aspirations / Association and " Corner Feng Shui.

5. In my opinion, Para 4.1 and 4.2 should be used and within them have the more potent or most effective set of theories and concepts.

Para 4.3 in my opinon, quite similar to fixed template Feng Shui and should best be avoided where possible. Here, it is very easy to write books on this subject and many book authors have capitalised on this.

For example, the author may suggest that one enhance one's SW corner for romance. Or enhance the North = career sector.

Such concepts are similar to fixed template `Feng Shui' and it would not be possible for everyone to enhance their SW and have a positive result in that if 100,000 does that, it does not mean that 100,000 persons would get results in romance.

6. Always take note that in Traditional FS, there is likely to be personalisation:

6.1. For example, even in Shapes and Form FS, we should not place a neutralising agent at the front door of every home! Only if there is a poison arrow e.g. a sharp corner of a building aimed at our main door, must we try to neutralise this.

6.2 Under the Eight House Theory, we look at our Gua (Kua number) and then see which type of house is suitable to us.

6.3 A 20 year Flying Star chart takes into account the specific direction of a house.

Thus, it is my belief, that you should discount the Ba Gua concepts. Apply each of the traditional FS concepts, but understand their purpose and limitations.

FS cannot be looked into in isolation. We cannot simply look within our home for improvement if everything else outside our house crumbles or fall apart.

Warmest Regards,

On 2/22/01 11:44:00 PM, Stephanie Cooksey wrote:
>Which form of the BaGua
>teaching should I use? One
>version says to use the area
>around the main door of your
>residence as the career
>section, another says it's
>always North. I don't know
>which to follow or which is
>best in my case. This leads
>into another area of confusion
>to some degree.
>I did my online analysis here
>on this site and it says that
>south(which is the direction
>of my front door) is very bad
>for me, but it also says the
>North section isn't great
>either. I don't know what to
>do, because according to the
>different forms of the BaGua
>teaching, the front door
>facing south is either in the
>career section or the Fame
>section, and it looks like I'm
>in a bad position either way.
>I'm in trouble with the North
>section too for the same
>reason. Any suggestions on
>which version I should follow?
>Once I know I can go from
>there. Thanks for any help you
>can offer. As you've probably
>figured out, I'm new to Feng
>Shui and all the contradictory
>teachings I've read have
>confused me greatly.

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