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Topic: Difference between Eight House and Ba Zi
Conf: Discuss :: Free Advice (General Feng Shui), Msg: 8529
From: Anon (Hidden from Privacy)
Date: 5/21/2001 09:21 PM

Dear Carpazia,

I am very glad that you found the information provided here useful:)

1. So long as we understand:
a. the purpose of each concept
b. its strength and weakness

Can we than properly apply all the various concepts confidently.

2.The Eight House Theory is still relevant under the following circumstances:

2.1 How suitable is the house to the owner?

This is the most important feature of this theory.

2.2 It would be a BONUS to sleep in a good sector and an additional bonus if we can also sleep facing a good direction.

2.3 Especially for students, one can seat facing one's good direction.

2.4 Because of the ease of understanding this theory; it can be considered an `introduction' to Feng Shui. Because of its simplicity, many people can confidently, grow with proper applications of Traditional Feng Shui.

3. The major flaw of the Eight House Theory is that:

3.1 It takes consideration, only the year of birth. As opposed to Ba Zi Feng Shui which takes into account Year, Month, Day, Time. And in this site: additional pillars such as House of Life and House of Conception.

3.2 It cannot be related to the common denominator i.e. The Five Elements Concept.

3.3 If one noticed carefully, the Flying Star Theory (Analysing the birth chart of the house) and Ba Zi (Pillars of Destiny) have a common ground i.e. both can be matched to the Five Elements Concept.

3.4 For more experienced students applying Feng Shui; first and foremost know your element and strength i.e. in your case: Weak Earth element.

3.5 Next, apply Flying Star Feng Shui to check for imbalances (if any). For example, if a particular sector e.g. your bedroom has bad earth element and the cure is 6 metal coins.

If you are say a Weak water person, you can harmonise the bedroom (if you are single); add `water' element e.g. paint the walls blue or use `metal' to increase your weak water. (Under the Five elements concept: Metal helps water to grow).

But in your case, since you are a Weak Earth person; it is best to apply Flying Star Feng Shui FIRST. And if a particular sector or sectors have #5 or #2 (bad earth elements);

For example, if your bedroom has bad earth elements and you had placed a metal cure, it would be best not to help your `weak earth' in the bedroom by either adding Fire (Where fire helps earth to grow) or add earth elements.

"Unfortunately" those who are weak earth, has to be particulary careful in increasing your weak earth element (and inadvertenly upsetting the element balance of increasing bad earth in specific sectors).

It would be much easier if one's element and strength is Metal element, Water and Wood. However, for wood element, one has to content with bad wood.

4. Therefore, in order to piece the zig saw puzzle properly, one has to take each step in the right order.

Warmest Regards,

On 5/21/01 7:31:00 AM, Carpazia Cicio wrote:
>Hello Cecil, I read nearly
>every section of your site,
>finding it very interesting
>and useful. I tried to fix my
>appartment, even though I just
>have a rent, but now I have a
>doubt. I thought that the
>Eight House Report, connected
>with the Gua Number and
>Element, was the most importan
>thing on which I had to base
>the distribution of rooms in
>the house. The more, I thought
>that the Gua Element was the
>one who influenced the
>relations betwen people (I was
>born on the 19th of May 1968,
>Gua nr. 1, element Water). Now
>I read my Ba Zi Report an see
>that my element is Weak Earth.
>To which of the two should I
>give more importance? Can you
>please clarify me the
>difference between the two and
>in which case should I give
>importance ti one or to the
>other? I thank you really much
>for the informations you
>freely give about feng shui,

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User's Comments
...Keep up the Great Work!... Cecil Lee Cecil Lee support@geomancy.net - Feng Shui at Geomancy.Net " I read about some exceptional experience with Feng Shui, I have my fair share of unpleasant experience with the so called Feng Shui expert , who visited my apartment and advice of various changes. To be fair with him, there were some improvement in my family life particularly my wife and son. The main problem with the expert is the unwillingness to share his knowledge , not even to paying customer ! When the consultation period was over, it is even more difficult to extract anymore Feng Shui knowledge from him. I have paid quite a few hundreds and all I get are instructions without explanation. I have no idea which "house" I belong, what is my "bai zi" , where are the good direction etc. I have read a few books by Lillian Too on DIY feng shui but I am always doubtful whether it is the right interpretation and whether I have applied correctly. Having found this site was a blessing because now I can have someone to guide me along.

Please keep up the great work. " Ang Jen

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