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Topic: Office Main Entrance/Reception
Conf: Discuss :: Free Advice (General Feng Shui), Msg: 9047
From: Anon (Hidden from Privacy)
Date: 8/15/2001 07:15 AM

Dear SL,

Please see below:-

On 8/11/2001 11:13:00 AM, S L wrote:
>Dear Cecil,
>1.What if the company is a
>listed company, where the MD
>is another employee and the
>real owner only sometimes drop
>by? Should the office be feng
>shui-ed to suit the ba zi of
>the MD or the owner?

1. You brought up an interesting question:)

2. In many of the audits I have done for company executies e.g. CEOs, CFOs etc... the audits are done mainly at their requests. Here, usually, the audit is done in their interest or individual interests.

3. Be it a CEO, a CFO, Senior Manager etc... The motivate is more for their own good i.e. progess, promotion etc..

For example, a Bank Vice President, had asked for a FS audit to look at the placement of his work table. Previously e.g. his work table in his room was oriented in another direction. But because of FS advice, it was positioned in a separate direction. With the hope that he can e.g. progess in his career.

4. Usually, as mentioned early although a CEO says that he would like an audit to benefit the company, in fact, (directly) the implication is that the person calling for the audit; wants to have their work place favourable to them.

Therefore, the company can be a family business, private company or a listed company; FS audit can be done in `secret' e.g. on a Sunday or other days where staff may not be around or be aware of.

>2.Going by the measurement you
>have provided/using a feng
>shui ruler, looks like a 6
>feet entrance is no good...
>But sometimes, it is quite
>difficult to customise
>measurement accordingly...alot
>of the door retailed are mass
>manufactured and thus standard
>in size. This brings us to the
>question, is it necessary to
>be insistent in implementing
>feng shui measurement to
>everything in the office (i.e.
>windows, tables, room

Yes, you have asked a relevant question.


Under the above link, I have also shared some points with regards to measurements...

Partial quote from the above url:

"I understand that most users will ask this question: Is it important to follow Feng Shui measurements?

Lets look at these points:-

In the present day, there are many furniture designers and furniture makers. It is not possible to use the measurements on the Feng Shui ruler. Even if som e furniture makers are aware of it, they may not believe in Feng Shui.

Most of us are not able to custom design home furnitures. Even if we do, we may only custom design e.g. built in cupboards but not possible for every furniture in the home e.g. dining table, sitting room table and chairs etc...

So what should we do?

I like to point out there are a few Schools of Thoughts regarding this matter:-

(1). Some Feng Shui Masters may say... use your six sense or the " Intuitive " form of Feng Shui and buy what you like and " meets " your needs. This is a sensible approach and the most practical in today's world. Simply go get what you like. I agree with this.

(2). Some Feng Shui designers (through their learning of Feng Shui) have incorporated some Feng Shui friendly features e.g. furniture with `rounded' corners. Do note: not "wavy" furniture as in the water element but furnitures that are `suppose' not to give off poision arrows from it's edges. I also agree with this.

This is equally acceptable as most of us do read about poision arrows from nearly every FS website to nearly every FS books. You can consider the use of Feng Shui dimensions as `secondary' importance to Feng Shui.

In fact, today, because of commercialisation of Feng Shui so little has been paid to Feng Shui dimensions i.e. what can you earn from teaching FS dimensions? ........ "

>3.In what instance does the
>Luck Qi split? Like if there
>are 2 doors at the left and
>right opposite of the main
>entrance? What if an office
>has 2 front entrances (one to
>reception and another to a
>storage/warehouse area?

There is no general answers to this. The layout plan has to be looked at closely in relation to Feng Shui (Shapes and Form and Compass School).

>4.>The wrong position of
>>the reception counter could mean

For example, for some office frontage it is best to locate the reception area on one side i.e. when we open the door to the reception area, the reception area is located on either the left (wall) or the right (wall). This is to ensure that the full Qi goes into the office area. In some of the above situations, placing the reception area at the middle where there is a left and right entrance may split the Qi into the office area.

Warmest Regards,

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User's Comments
..thank Cecil for this website... Cecil Lee Cecil Lee support@geomancy.net - Feng Shui at Geomancy.Net "When I first learnt about feng shui, I had no idea there was such thing as kindergarten FengShui and the true and proper form of feng shui. I have simply accepted that fact and have followed it step by step. I have learnt many things. It's encouraged me to bring my wellbeing desires forth. Feng Shui really does bring joy into our lives - IF we apply it correctly. FIRST by starting with yourself. How is it that we can gain strong health if we drink coffee, smoke and alcohol? How do we gain a stable financial account if we tend to spend money on things we really don't need in our lives. How can you gain knowledge and wisdom if you curse and criticise? So as you can see, if we want to take advantage of fengshui, then you, as yourself must change."

"When I took action to change myself, I also felt the desire to goto church. religion is like feng shui, there are kindergarten churches, and a true and proper form of church. As i joined the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints; the only true and proper form of church on this earth. life has never been any better. I love it!! It feels as if I can take advantage of fengshui as well as live a happier life I have most desired for. It has brought many blessings into the home."

"Happiness is not within money or wickedness, but love and charity, it balances your life so it will bring forward a more better and stronger YOU!"

"I would like to thank Cecil for this website. I have followed Cecil's feng shui advice and have found them work for me."

"I hope this testimony will help all realise that fengshui will not work, if you plan to be lazy about it!!" All the best, Daniel, New Zealand

On 7/10/2003 3:18:35 AM, a forum member wrote:
" Dear Cecil, Your humorous comments under Property (to buy condos) on family 4 pillars is really hilarious & very interesting. I had a good laugh, which is relaxing after a hectic stressful day. "

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