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Topic: The use of Wood Windchime
Conf: Discuss :: Free Advice (General Feng Shui), Msg: 9820
From: Anon (Hidden from Privacy)
Date: 1/10/2002 08:22 PM

Dear Kieren,

Thanks for bring up this interesting question.

1. In traditional Feng Shui cures, what is used instead is a 6 hollow rod, metal wind chime. For example which is made of brass.

2. Therefore, it would not be correct to use a 5 rod metal wind chime.

3. This can simply be explained (applying) the Five Elements Concept:

3.1 In the case of a 5 rod metal wind chime, this is not the correct type of wind chime to use (if we had located a #5 or #5 yellow).

Since the number 5 is already representing the earth element. 5 representing Earth should not be used to neutralise earth. It is like throwing earth to earth or "ashes to ashes."

3.2 The appropriate cure then is to use 6 rod metal wind chimes.

Here the number 6 represents = Big Metal

Where Metal (Big) is used to destroy 5 Yellow or 3 killings.

This is the effective cure.

4. Why then should we not introduce a 5 rod Wood chime is not appropriate. This is because 5 again represents Earth element.

5. If we intent or insists on using Wood chime than, in theory, we should use a 3 rod Wood chime.

6. Where the number 3 refers to Big Wood. Here, in theory Big Wood should be used instead.

7. However, if one appreciates Flying Star Feng Shui; #3 is not exactly an auspicious star.

8. And chances are, introducing such a wind chime may cause or aggrevate the situation further.

9. In fact, many times, sectors or several sectors may have problems relating to #3.

Therefore, the probability is pretty high or rather a high coincidence of aggrevating the situation.

Contrast this with a Metal cure. While a metal cure #7 is too small (where #7 = small metal).

Big Metal - or 6 metal is the BEST cure as it is considered as " The Mother of all cures ". Don't be mistaken that I am glorying metal but, if one knows Flying Star, it is the element to cure: Bad Earth #5, #2 and Bad Wood #3 and #4.

10. My serious concern is that in a Flying Star chart, it would be `littered' with #3 and #4 in various sectors. Worse still if unfortuantely, it is concentrated at one sector such as

#3 #4

11. And one uses a 3 rod Wind Chime (Big Wood), one would have a `hell of a nightmare'. Sometimes even into calamity or death occuring.

>My second question is - When
>do we use YIN (still/unmoving)
>water to counter
>a bad sector in the flying
>star feng shui methodology?

Most of the good stars are metal stars, and if one properly enhances them with water, this would bring prosperity.

In my opinion, (generally) we should not use YIN (still/unmoving) water. We should instead use more vibrant water positions. Therefore, for me, I am not in-favour of using still water.

Warmest Regards,

On 1/10/2002 7:30:47 PM, Kieren Lim wrote:
>Dear Cecil,
>To overcome the 5 Yellow or 3
>Killings, why is it that feng
>shui recommends
>a 5 rod METAL windchime and
>not a 5 rod WOOD windchime
>since by nature the 5
>Yellow and 3 Killings are of
>the EARTH element and in the
>destructive cycle,
>WOOD destroys EARTH?
>My second question is - When
>do we use YIN (still/unmoving)
>water to counter
>a bad sector in the flying
>star feng shui methodology?

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...An unsolicited endorsement... Cecil Lee Cecil Lee support@geomancy.net - Feng Shui at Geomancy.Net "I have had the absolute privilege of studying Feng Shui under the guidance of Masters Cecil and Robert Lee.

Apart from learning the traditional method of this system, they have also taught me about compassion and humility. These qualities are extremely important in my opinion as we are dealing with people's lives when we delve deeply into their Four Pillars Chart and try assist as much as possible.

Over the years, nothing has been too much of a problem for them in helping me attain the success I now experience.

How I wish they were in down town Perth, Western Australia. I sincerely hope you Singaporeans understand just how very very fortunate you are to have them "on tap". I am originally from Singapore many years ago and I have an excellent understanding of the culture and lifestyle of the Island.

Out of interest, I "monitor" a few Feng Shui "Lists" coming out of Singapore and to say that there is amazing nonsense being proliferated is putting it very mildly indeed. I feel so very sorry for those being "sucked in".

So guys, we are a very lucky bunch of folk to be under the umbrella of Cecil and Robert Lee. I have no doubt reading all the posts that come thru Geomancy Net that you all do appreciate their efforts.

Glyn Hezakiah

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