
Luck Pillars

Life Reading Ba Zi Resources

Luck Pillars

This tells you how is your luck for the each periods. There is a luck pillar for a 10-year period, 5-year period, 1-year period and so on.

Normally, we are concerned a lot with the 10-year, 5-year and 1-year luck period.

10-year Luck (Big Luck Period)

This 10-year luck period shows your luck which is represented by the Seasonal Luck Direction. This period is also known as your Big Luck Period.

Seasonal Luck Direction

This is the season which is present in this 10-year period affects your luck. And this season which is present last for a duration of 10 years.

If this period is good for you, generally you will enjoy an auspicious period for this entire period. Otherwise, you will not be that lucky this period.

You can also make use of this to aid you whenever you intend to travel. Travelling along the directions of your favourable seasonal direction brings you additional luck. 

5-year Luck (Lesser Luck)

This is considered your lesser luck period. Analysis of your luck period during the each of the 5-year period of the Big Luck.

This normally tells you if this period is good or bad for you. There are three levels of break-down:-

  • Auspicious / Very Auspicious
  • Mixed-Blessing
  • Inauspicious / Very Inauspicious

Generally, if it is auspicious you will find that there would not be much problems in that period. On the contrary, you will find that something good should happen in this period, eg a smooth career.

If it is Mixed-Blessing, it means that you will get something good say for example a birth of a new baby. At the same time something not good will also happen, such as maybe losing your job.

If it is inausipicious, generally something bad would happen, such as you find that this period is very tough or that you meet with some misfortune.

Those are just some guides. Remember that it is only a 5-year period, so there are some limitations to the accuracy of its prediction. But it is taken as a whole 5-year in general with other things in your environment not taken into consideration.

1-year Luck (Annual Luck)

This is your annual luck, which is determined by the changes in the year. It does have a major influence in determining your luck for the year. For example, if your Big Luck and Lesser Luck says that a period is good for you, but during that Annual Luck, it shows an inauspicious. 

This would then mean that you will encounter some difficulties during this period. If this period is auspicious, then you should enjoy a good year.

How does the 1 period of this 10-year, 5-year chart looks like?

The chart below is extracted from the full report done by Pillars of Destiny which has been specially formatted in this way copyright by Robert Lee for easy reference to your luck pillars.

You will find the 10-year luck pillars on the top, and the 5-year within the 10-year luck pillars.

For the time being ignore the other additional analysis. They will be explained in detailed in their respective sections.


Luck Period 1 : Age of 3 to 12 (1958 to 1967)



10 Years Luck Pillars General Analysis


Seasonal Luck Direction:
This period falls under the Autumn season. Favouring West directional luck period, which happens to be the Metal element. As you are a Weak Water, this period is auspicious for you.





Luck Pillars Chart


3 - 12

Heavenly Stem


Ten Deities

shang guan

Earthly Branch


Hidden Element 1

yin Metal

Ten Deities 1

zheng yin
Main Funds

Hidden Element 2

Nil Nil

Ten Deities 2


Hidden Element 3

Nil Nil

Ten Deities 3




First 5 Years Detailed Analysis


During the age of 3 to 7 (1958 to 1962), this period is dominated by WeakestWood element. As you are a WeakWater, this period is mixed-blessing for you because Weakest Wood is too weak to exhaust your WeakWater.

Suggested Prevention:

You should still try to help your WeakWater with Metal or Wood.


No clashes in the Heavenly Stem was found.


Click here for Yearly Luck Pillars Analysis.

Next 5 Years Detailed Analysis


During the age of 8 to 12 (1963 to 1967), this period is dominated by StrongMetal element. As you are a WeakWater, this period is very auspicious for you because Strong Metal helps to strengthen your WeakWater.


You should try to make use of this excellent luck period to start a business/career or utilise this excellent period.


No clashes in the Earthly Branches was found.


Click here for Yearly Luck Pillars Analysis.

Symbolic Stars



No Symbolic Stars found!

So how am I going to know which analysis to look at?

1. 10-year (Big Luck)

The 10-year seasonal luck is of a lesser importance. However, what you can understand from that is whether the current direction which the period falls under is good or bad for you.

Normally, by looking at the entire 80-year luck period, if you have very little inauspicious Seasonal Luck, it means that your life is generally pretty good. Otherwise, it means that you will have many ups and downs along your life.

2. 5-year (Lesser Luck)

This is more accurate and thus is a more important details to look at. This is because there are clashes, symbolic stars which occurs during this 5-year period. That affects the entire stretch of time.

Normally, if it is inauspicious, you will then make use of solutions recommended by the report to reduce the influence of your environment to bring your Qi back into balance.

An inauspicious 5-year period, means that you will not enjoy a favourable period for the entire 5-year period. Even if the 1-year period in the period is good, it simply means that that is a better period among the 5-year period.

During each Lesser Luck period, a 10-deity and a symbolic stars is in power. Whether it is good or not depends on what you lack in your life.

Say for example if you lack water, and this year the 10-deity is water, it would bring you additional luck by providing you with the element which you lack.

3. 1-year (Annual Luck)

This is important when you intend to enhance yourself. This is the types of stars and deities which guides the current year. It is important because it depends what you will be encountering for the year.

How can I improve my current luck?

Focus on your 5-year and 1-year luck analysis. Every year your luck changes and by understanding how your luck changes each year and the interaction with your environment, you can determine if you need to improve your luck.


Next 5 Years Detailed Analysis
During the age of 8 to 12 (1963 to 1967), this period is dominated by StrongMetal element. As you are a WeakWater, this period is very auspicious for you because Strong Metal helps to strengthen your WeakWater.

You should try to make use of this excellent luck period to start a business/career or utilise this excellent period.

When ever you have such a suggestion and you do have something you find worthwhile, do it! We have seen many charts who had taken advantage of this and succeeded!


First 5 Years Detailed Analysis
During the age of 3 to 7 (1958 to 1962), this period is dominated by WeakestWood element. As you are a WeakWater, this period is mixed-blessing for you because Weakest Wood is too weak to exhaust your WeakWater.

Suggested Prevention:
You should still try to help your WeakWater with Metal or Wood.

For example when you have this type of analysis, a suggestion to make use of Metal or Wood will help you improve the luck for the 5-year period.


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