Miscellaneous Services and Products |
This includes products on losing weight, links, music, gifts and bookstore etc. |
Product on losing weight |
Lose Weight With Metaphysics, A NewAge, Holistic, Spiritual Approach, or on any page of the websote http://www.loseweightcrystals.com should be considered only after first consulting with your health practitioner. |
ASIA 110: Student Cyber Project |
ASIA 110. Students projects: Introduction to East Asian Culture and Society, offered through Case Western Reserve University's Asian Studies Program. This semester, Spring 1997, the class is taking a Cyber Expedition to China and Japan. |
Arto (Chy Po) Feng Shui Association Not Sure? Email Us |
Arto (Chy Po). Consultant. Location: UK |
Music, Gift & Bookstore |
A music, gift and bookstore that makes a positive difference. It says that it is devoted to helping you create inner peace, serenity and ultimately - a better you. Our goal is to heal the body, illuminate the mind and lift the soul. |
Links |
Traditional Oriental path to wellness. Includes Tai Ji, Ji Gong and other Oriential Healing Arts. |
Christine McAnaney Mixed Form of Feng Shui? Unclassifed. |
Christine McAnaney. A blending of ancient Celtic Wisdom and Chinese Feng Shui principles to create Simplicity, Balance and Harmonious Living The space is looked at as an outward manifestation of any problems in the client's life and suggestions are made to help alleviate this. |
Bookstore |
Books on Alternative medicine. Line of Spiritual & New Age Books & Tapes on the Net. |
Products and Services |
A design firm specializing in beautiful, harmonious homes and businesses. Beverly Hills, CA, USA |
The Feng Shui Directory of Consultants is a world-wide network resource for those in need of Feng Shui help. You may get consultants either Traditional or Black Hat Sect or others? Choose wisely! |
Not Sure? Email Us |
In Danish. A few broken links. Most likely `mirrored' resources in Danish. |
Feng Shui Interactive Consultant Eight House |
An Eight House Homepage? Regular Membership is Free. Consultant Membership - $25.00 (You will receive payment instructions via email after registration is received.) |
Give Advice |
Loretta Elaine. Gems for Friends is an alternative medicine directory. We do not sell any products directly though we have many recommended books and magazines in order to help your discovery process. |
Eight House ONLY |
Elson Kok. Geoprana is similar to Chinese Feng Shui. By the placement of specified articles, certain vibrations are generated to be beneficial to certain individuals. Prana accessed by meditations and combined with feng shui principles, formed the foundation for a system of feng shui called Geoprana? Looks like no Shapes and Form School is involved?? |
Not Sure? Email Us |
Dr Laurentius Dumitrescu. No, there is no spelling mistake. This site "GLYKON" decided to spell " alternativ medicin" without the " E ". (Scandinavian way?). Bli medlem i Scandinavian Association for Modern Feng Shui. |
Golden Dragon Tao Health Association Products |
Golden Dragon Tao Health Assoc.Oriental Medicine-natural health resources, news, articles, information, classes-workshops-retreats, hyperlinks to our affiliates and other interesting sites, exotic Feng Shui tools, unique herbal remedies, natural health and bio-magnetic products. Location: San Diego, CA. USA. |
Paid Listing |
An Interior Design Directory. Includes a page for Feng Shui Consultants to list themselves for a FEE. |
Books |
Home of Jami Lin's EarthDesign. Bringing practical Feng Shui and Design Home to the Spirit. Website |
Not Sure? Email Us |
Maria Joao Bastos. Location: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil |
List of Sites Recommended by him |
Paul Lam's list of recommended Feng Shui sites. |
Reiko Nakayama Feng Shui by Reiko Not Sure? Email us |
Reiko Nakayama. Feng Shui Consultant. Location: San Jose, California area.
Links |
The Spiritual Network. Source for spiritual web sites and related information on the internet. Includes Traditional and Black Hat Sect Feng Shui. |
Resources |
As the name suggests, it is a glossary of T'ai Qi terms which includes Feng Shui. |
Products |
Indonesian handicrafts. |
Resources |
The Taoist Restoration Society's Website. A site of Chinese Culture and Arts resource page. |
The Lucky Mojo Esoteric Archive Archive |
The Lucky Mojo Esoteric Archive is a cache of captured internet text files pertaining to occult and mystical subjects. |
The Feng Shui Center and White Tiger Gifts Mixed Services |
Classes in Feng Shui in Missoula County and sells "White tiger gifts". Most likely Traditional Feng Shui. |
Usui Shiki RyoHo Ki Japanese |
Hosted on a Tripod homepage. Reiki: Usui Shiki RyoHo. This page is a sub-section of the main page on Reiki. According to the website, Provides method of healing, apprenticeship training, or receiving a healing yourself. Location: San Francisco Bay Area. |
The Oldest & Largest Authentic Traditional Feng Shui on the Web |
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16 March 2025 |