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Free Module 3: The Eight House Theory

Chapter 1: Survey the Home using the Eight House Theory

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Why some houses are good for one person but bad for another? How to carry a geomancy survey of your home? Let's find out:-

There are two methods of accessing the Feng Shui of a site or the interior of a home using the compass:-

1. The Eight House Theory and
2. The Flying School Theory.

Of the two methods, the  Compass School's Eight Types of Houses Theory or (Eight Houses for short) is static and meant as a  preliminary report to analyse which house is more suitable for an  individual. In general, it is based on an investigation of a person's  birth date and match this against the most suitable to the `least' suitable house.

The Flying Star Theory is more accurate and takes  into consideration the time factor. It is thus an extension of the  Eight House Theory. For the first time in the world, Geomancy.net has developed a on-line comprehensive report combining the two theories. In additional, you also get to understand the Grand  Duke's Theory that is relevant to Compass School of Feng Shui.

How to carry out a geomancy survey of your home:-

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User's Comments
Bravo!!! Cecil Lee Cecil Lee support@geomancy.net - Feng Shui at Geomancy.Net Dear Master Robert and Master Cecil,

It is certainly a welcome news for the frequent user and i am impressed that GEOMANCY NET had taken the effort to provide the better improvement for the user to have better understanding on FENG SHUI.

You guys had done so many wonderful things, Bravo!!!.

Keep up the well done things!

Warmest Regards,
Alvin Niap
West Malaysia
17 October 2003

Respected Sir, I have been a regular visitor of this wonderful forum & have learnt lot from this.

Thank you for this forum.

Jag Mukesh
1 April 2004

To Geomancy team and Masters.


Excellent site. The best for beginners and for more advanced "amateurs". Hopefully, I will continue learning from it, and eventually become a premium member.

Keep it up and prosper.... (I am learning that myself from my slow progress in I Ching and Fengshui).


J. E. Seco
October 11, 2004

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