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End of Fun wth Feng Shui Tour

Thank you for completing your Fun with Feng Shui Website Tour. This is just a short overview of what is Feng Shui.

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From here you can now proceed to many other areas of Feng Shui under the Resource Section or other parts of the website:-

Key Sections


If you want to start apply the various Feng Shui tools, then you should proceed to this section:-

Provides a wide range of FREE specialised on-line personalised reports to find out more about yourself, your family and help you improve your home; business; auspicious dates; and finding a new house, etc.

If you want to continue learning, then you can either continue with the resource tour or jump straight to other key sections in this resource section.

This is a new section focused on storing all resources relating to each of the Major Feng Shui Thoeries (ie. Shapes & Forms, Eight House, Flying Starm Ba Zi Feng Shui etc. It is new edition, so some sections are still under construction and more resources will be added as time go by.

Cecil has created a list of Feng Shui articles relating Feng Shui many other concepts such as Painting, Devil's Gate, Children Handphone and lots more.

We have extracted hundreds of messages from our Forum and categorise them into different categories. This is only a small portion of the resources found in our Free Advice Forum website which has grown over the years to hold over several thousands of new advice, tips and learning resources.

We have archived a list of slideshow presentation to show you several photos and explain what they are about. This section has also grown such that there is a new section under the Picture Resources.

We have a calendar of events telling you more about what are the major and minor festivals events etc.

This is a heavily participated forum with more than 10,000 members and growing. Sample the responses in the forum and you will be surprised what what you had missed out in the past.

Use this tool to search for a specific resource.


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Extend your learning with Master Cecil Lee's Applied Feng Shui Made Easy Book.

" Real People, Real Life, Real Situation " - Learn from thousands of actual case studies at our popular Free Advice Forum.

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User's Comments
... it's very interesting ... Robert Lee Robert Lee support@geomancy.net - Feng Shui at Geomancy.Net "I like your site, it's very interesting." - Rita

"Nothing comes close to your support and commitment! Thanks for all your advice!" - Robin Truly

"I not only get to learn but also participate! Thanks for all your advice! I never failed to listen in daily!" GOD BLESS! - Michael Fox

"What I can say! A truly magnificent website! Thank God, I found you!" - Joey Lin

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Copyright 1996-onwards
Kappvest Infoserv Pte Ltd,
Cecil Lee & Robert Lee