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Free Module 1: Principles of Feng Shui

Chapter 2: The Luo Shu Square

The Legend of the Giant Tortoise

According to ancient Chinese legends, a giant tortoise surfaced from the River Lo in central China around 4,000 years ago. The ancient Chinese found a pattern on a tortoise shell (refer to the extreme left picture above). There were circular dots of numbers on the giant tortoise that were arranged in a three-by-three nine grid pattern on it's shell.

The pattern of numbers on the giant tortoise in any given direction i.e. horizontal, vertical or diagonal all add up to a total of 15 (refer to the middle picture above). This is equal to the 15 days in each of the 24 cycles of the Chinese solar year.

In ancient times, the Hebrew used the same identical `magic square' which they referred it as the Square of the planet Saturn or the Square of the Earth.

Significance of the  arrangements of the numbers on the giant tortoise feature prominently in the following:

1. The Chinese system of time dimensions also takes into account the number Nine (9). Here, time is divided into 9 ages, each  lasting 20 years: Three 20 year ages make up one period. A full cycle  consists of a total of 180 years. Each period is assigned a number, from one to nine.

2. The Luo Shu Square with its 3 x 3 grid or nine sectors is also used in Compass School Feng Shui called The Flying Star Theory (Xuan Kong Fei Xing). The Luo Shu Square helps the Feng Shui practitioner to analyze a site, a house, a flat (apartment) and/or an office space or building. It is used to unlock the time dimension of Feng Shui and allows the practitioner to accurately know when is the best time to make changes to the site, the home or the interior decoration.


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User's Comments
...you are indeed a very generous person Cecil Lee Cecil Lee support@geomancy.net - Feng Shui at Geomancy.Net Dear Master Cecil

First and foremost, after reading your advise on doing a search on the forum to my questions, I feel that you are indeed a very generous person. Who on earth will give out their valuable knowledge to others without taken a single penny. I did a search on crystals and changing of house period and found out that in your forum/reply, you went into very detailed reply with no cost (except for the internet bills).

Once again...thank you.

My doubts are cleared.

Janice Wong Wai Yee
20 March 2004

Dear Robert,

Thank you for the reply. I had sent a short thank you to Master Cecil's response to my question on the forum.

I think you (both) are doing a great job. Your pride and enjoyment in doing your work shows through on the great website you have built. I know the hard work you have put in, also conducting my business and interest through a website.

Best regards,
Keith Orlando
United Kingdom
30 April 2004

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